Event box

If Books Could Talk

"If Books Could Talk"

4pm (doors open, with refreshments), 4:30-5:30pm (event)

Studio 1, Lincoln Arts Centre (LAC)

Lincoln Cathedral Library is home to many well-known manuscripts and books but there are many other treasures whose stories have not been told. There are books waiting to be researched, their secrets longing to be plundered. This interdisciplinary performance lecture explores some of the books housed in the Cathedral library, imagining the soundscapes contained between the covers and the stories they could tell, if we were only to listen.

This event features sound artist ‘Scanner’; medieval literary and manuscript expert, Dr. Hollie Morgan; two College of Arts PGR students, Scarlett Butchers (Drama) and Mitchell Lovewell (History); and their recent work with the Lincoln Cathedral Library resources.

We invite you to join us for this fabulous event and exploration of the Lincoln Cathedral Library's resources. Who knows? You might find inspiration for a project of your own!

Limited seating is available for this event, so book your place here.

Questions can be directed to Dr. Renée Ward (rward@lincoln.ac.uk).

Related LibGuide: Special Collections by Sarah Lewis

Wednesday, 20th September 2023
16:30 - 18:00
  Special Collections  
Registration has closed.